I had the pleasure of teaching an Honors Seminar spring semester about England during the time Jane Austen was writing her novels (1795-1817), and in my research for the course, I learnt about a number of wrangles of which I had not previously been aware. (More about the course and my research at another time.) Also, I love to knit, and I occasionally my knitting becomes a "wrangle," which invariably leads to ripping out a portion of recently knit stitches to correct the mistake. Usually the error is mine, but occasionally it is due to an incorrect pattern.

I spent two days this past week---and will spend three days next week---teaching classes at a summer science camp for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It's been more than a decade since my son was that age, and I'd forgotten what motormouths kids that age can be! My ears are still ringing from their non-stop chatter Friday afternoon, but I'm looking forward to working with them on their final project next week.