I am currently reading The Congress Dances by Susan Mary Alsop---a book about the Congress of Vienna and the events leading up to it. It is research (yet more research!) for A Diplomatic Alliance.

Currently, I am knitting another pair of socks (for myself), a pair for my oldest niece (for Christmas), and a sweater for my oldest grand-niece. Over Thanksgiving, my grand-niece, who is six, asked, while I was re-measuring her, if the sweater (which she has not seen) could be a tunic. I hope that extra six inches or so doesn't prevent me from finishing the sweater by Christmas. I'd also like to knit a pair of socks for my younger sister for Christmas, but I don't know if I will be able to squeeze in another project. Time will tell.
Of course, if all my students get perfect grades on their final exams, I'll zip through grading and have more time to knit. (I'm not holding my breath on that one.)