Thursday, August 16, 2012

Celebrating Georgette Heyer

Georgette Heyer was the first Regency romance novelist, although the also wrote books in other time periods. I discovered Ms. Heyer's books, and Regency romances, at the ripe old age of 33 or 34, when I finished grading a set of truly abysmal final exams, then visited the main branch of the Detroit Public Library (which was just across the street on the far side of the campus) to find something interesting to read over Christmas break.

Regency Buck was my introduction to Regency romances. Fortunately for me, the library had a large selection of Ms. Heyer's books and of Regency romances. (Does anyone remember Walker Regencies, the hardcover library editions? The DPL had a large collection of them, to my delight.)

It's hard to choose a favorite book by any author, but especially hard with Ms. Heyer's books---mostly because I can't make up my mind. Most days or weeks I choose The Talisman Ring, but sometimes I choose The Reluctant Widow. Occasionally, I pick The Toll-gate.

Georgette Heyer was born 110 years ago today. In honor of her birthday and her achievements,  romance authors are discussion her books and their favorites, at USA Today's Books blog.
Celebrating Georgette Heyer's Birthday

What is your favorite Georgette Heyer novel?

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